
Ancient R1b-PF7562

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SZK-180, 650-700 CE, Middle Avar, Hungary (Szeged-Kundomb), R1b-PF7562>PF7563>Z29764>Z29766>BY55015>PH2558

I13518, 1200-1070 BCE, Mycenaean, Greece (Pylos, Palace of Nestor), R1b-PF7562>PF7563

I13506, 1200-1070 BCE, Mycenaean, Greece (Pylos, Palace of Nestor), R1b-PF7562>PF7563>FT89035

I19364, 1200-1070 BCE, Mycenaean, Greece (Pylos, Palace of Nestor), R1b-PF7562>PF7563>FT89035

I14688, 600-400 BCE, Late Iron Age, Albania (Çinamak), R1b-PF7562>PF7563

I20000, 27 BCE - 476 CE, Roman, Turkey (Muğla), R1b-PF7562>PF7563>BY17663

I20266, 491-717 CE, Byzantine, Turkey (Muğla), R1b-PF7562>PF7563>Z29764>Z29766>BY55015

I13834, 1402-1439 calCE, Ottoman, Albania (Barç), R1b-PF7562>PF7563

XAN030, 1300-1250 BCE, Mycenaean, Greece (Kydonia/Chania), R1b-PF7562

After the palatial complex at Kydonia was destroyed in 1450 BC, a new palace was erected in LM IIIA1/A2 (ca. 1370/1350 BC) and a Linear B-based administration was established at Khania, which seems to imply the presence of Greek speakers. Khania was a vibrant centre of commerce, evidently with a multi-lingual, multi-ethnic urban population in contact with many different areas of the Mediterranean including Sardinia, Italy, Cyprus, Syria, the Levant and Egypt. In the Final Palatial period (ca. 14th -13th BC), Kydonia, based on recent finds, appears to have been a Mycenaean palatial stronghold with hints of a military capability to defend the interests of its administration. This is suggested by spectacular weapons in the “warrior tombs” discovered in the Kouklakis plot, while the position of Khania as the Cretan port closest to the Mycenaean centres of the Peloponnese and Mainland was clearly a factor that would have facilitated immigration. The simultaneous appearance in central and western Crete of new material culture and social practices characteristic of the southern Greek Mainland raises the issue of immigration on a significant scale. Mainland influence permeated many aspects of life at this time, from writing systems and trade to palatial, residential and funerary architecture.

Individuals XAN030, Pylos LBA, Logkas2 MBA, Logkas4 MBA and the small groups (n=2) Glyka Nera LBA and Apatheia LBA could also be modelled as cladal from Croatia MBA or Italy BA (WES).

PCA0338, 1000AD-1200AD, Middle Ages, Poland (Ostrów Lednicki), R1b-PF7562

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